Many cities around the world, especially in Europe, are working towards green and car-free inner cities that go beyond just having pedestrian or bicycle lanes. Parts of Copenhagen and Barcelona are already dedicating parts of their cities to zones without traffic at all. Citizens from these cities have fought for greener environments and safer areas for children and senior citizens by adopting other forms of transportation like velomobiles, bicycles, and skates.

In many parts of the world, inner cities are being radically transformed. For example, Berlin is looking for ways to prevent cars from accessing parts where the majority of people no longer use a car, but have to sacrifice their space to streets full of cars just passing by. One way this is done is by transforming unused shopping centers into apartment buildings with shops in it, so people don’t even have to leave it to get what they need.

Paris is also working on cutting traffic by planting more trees around the center of the city in an effort to cut traffic significantly, while in New York parts of Broadway and near Times Square are already car-free with lots of street cafés.

Moreover, car manufacturers are also developing self-driving shuttles that hope to cut inner city traffic and provide mobility to millions of users.

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Inner City